The Internet

The Internet

Is a copycat of God’s Holy Spirit.

Need an answer, need a solution?

Google it. YouTube it.

Except with God, it’s not about money.


And He is reliable not 15%, not 25% , but 100% of the time.

The Internet tries to replace our need to ‘be connected’ and have communion with God.

But how can something ARTIFICIAL replace our need for REJUVENATION and REVIVAL, when it carries NO LIFE.

Do we retreat to sites that are surrounded with plastic, concrete, and computers?

No we do not.

We retreat to places immersed and surrounded by God’s Creation- that’s beaming with LIFE.


Water, fresh air, trees, green grass, gardens, animals…it is in this communion with God that we find HEALING, REST, and PEACE.

Yet, there is nothing that makes us feel more disconnected to everything that is, than the moment we can not find our cell phones.

We should act that way, when we can’t find our LIVING BIBLES.

Our Bibles have a preset speed dial on every page. An open direct line to Almighty God – , that is never out of order, no voicemail, and never a busy signal.

He is our CREATOR- the one who shape and molded each of us in a rare individual form. With His two hands He pressed us together , a DIAMOND FOREVER…

As He pressed His hands together, – He sang


and filled Heaven and Earth With His Glory.

This is why all of creation Worships and Praises- OUR GIVER AND PROVIDER OF LIFE.


Disconnect from the artificial and dead.

Get connected to ALL THAT IS.

God bless you each , in Jesus name we 🙏 pray amen.

Published by Benmadley777

My aim is to help others make sense of their own lives, by sharing the failures and misfortunes of mine. Misfortune and failure lead a man to the unmistakable clarity of his deception- That there is no need, nor room for God, because he himself is self sufficient, well educated, rich and capable. The more the man stays his ground, holding fast to his position- the more suffering he shall bring into his life. Suffering is the ground upon which elimination of the false occurs and perception of the Truth begins. After enough time is spent courting Misery, Pain, Humiliation, Slavery, Emptiness, one seeks to stop the bleeding. Some men prefer to bleed their way to death rather than admit their ignorance; that their way will never work. While other men, surrender, which is the beginning of knowledge. By surrendering the man does not fall, he rises and steps foot upon the path of Eternal Wisdom and Truth. It is the path that leads to Eternal Life- the pursuit of knowledge, is the pursuit of Almighty God- Man's Creator. *If you have questions, concerns, need direction, prayer, you may email me.* I do not charge for what Almighty God has given me freely.

5 thoughts on “The Internet

  1. Interesting take on comparing the Holy Spirit to the Internet…the whole connection with God and being connected to everything else…it’s an Interesting take, I’ll give you that. But I find connection to the Holy Spirit, to be a little less physical, and alot less material in any conceptual way I’ve experienced such essence. There are no wires, no things, no intertwining through terminals but the parallel between the two and your comparison is quite interesting. I love it! Really nice article…Take care!


    1. Tyler,

      Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and experience. Thank you for the kind words as well!

      It’s through having conversations and sharing with others, that we stand to learn so much.

      Someone asked me yesterday:

      How can I tell if God’s Holy Spirit Indwells in me?

      After reading my answer, I noticed something you pointed out about the physical. By no means did I intend to primarily concentrate on or about the physical aspects.

      I invite you Tyler to please share how your personal experiences have went with God’s Holy Spirit. If you would like to. Much appreciated.

      My answer to the question asked, below…also after re-reading I cut it short, and concentrated on physical…so I thought of asking you to share…to provide a more robust complete answer. Thank you.

      How can I tell if God’s Holy Spirit indwells me?
      Great question!

      There are many indications…

      First ,

      The holy Spirit is provided, granted, by Almighty God for a purpose-

      To empower us to do His Will.

      We are speaking about HIS DIVINE POWER.

      Which means, provide us the capacity to do something, to serve, to work, to speak, at a higher level, a miraculous level, it’s all done through Him.

      What are some indications?

      Isaiah 45:19 says

      I publicly proclaim bold promises, I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner so that no one knows what I mean. No, for I the Lord only speak truth and righteousness.

      In sharp comparison, the satanic kingdom, is known for secret manuscripts, secret hidden this and that, seven easy steps to this or that, the mystery and hidden promise of power, control, money, luring people in …

      And once you are in, the secret never gets revealed, it’s at another level, another degree that you still must acquire or obtain, by that time your indoctrinated, and you witness things that will scare the hell out of you and now your looking for a way out of the entanglement.

      Back to the indications.

      God speaks directly through many ways, a person will receive confirmation after confirmation, God does not leave us wondering or in doubt. Why I posted that scripture.

      Including the fact that , once received you are empowered to do His Will, above the ordinary, you’ve been granted authority, it works like a police badge, or badge that grants you access.

      In addition , a person will learn to recognize the physical symptoms, characteristics of the holy Ghost..

      It’s called DIVINE FIRE for a reason…a warmth, an intensity, a fire that burns and IGNITES but doesn’t scorch you, it scorches the enemy to ash.

      I could keep going but I am short on time.

      God bless.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this comment and so much truth. I feel the Holy Spirit during meditation, during sleep while I dream of things beyond my understanding or knowledge, when I read her words, I can feel her spirit and when I close my eyes I know she’s with me…her Spirit is always there…and not just with me, but everywhere and with everyone…

    Liked by 1 person

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