“What Are Some Reasons Why You Choose Not To Go On Sundays?”

For those who don’t attend church regularly, what are some reasons why you choose not to go on Sundays?

Someone recently asked the question above.

Answered by:


IT/ Writer/ Servant- http://www.anopenmindedexistence.wordpress.com

Great question! Glad you asked.

It’s not that I won’t go to church on Sunday. I will go to church any day of the week, excited, and eager to hear, learn, and share, if it were possible.

I grew up going to church regularly on Sundays and Wednesdays.


It wasn’t until later , after beginning to build a personal relationship with God. A DAILY relationship with God, that things changed.

As we know, we each are works in progress.

We are the CLAY, in the hands of the POTTER… being molded and shaped …

Like 10k gold, being refined over and over and over again, until finally there remains a solid gold nugget of 24k pure gold.

But in order to arrive there, God guides us along, and as He does- He reveals to us what He expects, His commands, where we are currently wrong, where we need to align and correct, or discover ..

To move us away from the false, in essence, removing and separating the impurities from the Gold.


By bringing us, our lives, our understanding, in harmony and alignment with HIS HOLY LIVING WORD.

I recall about five years ago, as I would sit down to read God’s Word, when messages or scriptures related to Sabbath continued to arise.

God continued to place emphasis on scriptures related to the Sabbath.

I definitely noticed. But, that’s about all I did at that time.

Noticed that he was placing emphasis on scriptures related to obeying and observing the Sabbath.

While I kept on attending on Sundays.

Time went on. About two more years passed by. Then one night as I was in my garage studying the Bible. I remember being in the midst of writing a message, when suddenly five or six scriptures ALL RELATED TO THE SABBATH AROSE.


That’s when I decided it was time for me to stop procrastinating and pretending as if I didn’t quite understand God’s instructions.

Fools we are, when we try to play that game.

When is God not clear? Simple? Concise?


He Speaks And We Clearly Understand

It was a refreshing change that I desperately needed.

There is something to be said, and after saying it, reading it, it should be FOREVER INGRAINED UPON THE WALLS OF OUR HEARTS.

The moment we decide to fall in line and obey God:

  • What a relief this brings, a freedom from the lies and endless list of reasons as to why we couldn’t obey.
  • A sudden flood of GOD’S GOODNESS comes rushing in…
  • Blessing us, our lives, our properties, our livelihoods.

Leaving us kicking ourselves and asking ‘What took me so long? Jesus….’

I began looking forward to every Friday evening. Because it meant the following morning would be Sabbath, so I began to prepare for Sabbath by studying God’s word on Friday evening around 8pm. I made it a point to bring in Sabbath , to welcome Sabbath-which was embracing GOD- in the best way possible.

I also began to notice something amazing…

The outpouring of HOLY SPIRIT ON FRIDAY NIGHT was strong. Stronger than any other day of the week. I had not experienced the Holy Spirit in that manner before.

As I prepared my heart, mind, and soul.. God responded by INFUSING ME with Joy, Strength, Creativity, Clarity, Ingenuity, by increasing my capacity to grow, learn, and retain, in order that I may WORK AND SERVE more BOLDY, more FIERCELY not only in HIS KINGDOM, but in everything I do.

Preparation. Rest. Rejuvination. Training. Peace with God. Resting in Him. But also keeping busy by praying for others, conducting Bible studies, teaching, sharing, and learning about God.

This all happened at home. I never did go out and search for a church that was open on Saturday.

This process happened naturally. As I was allowing God to lead and guide the way.

God understands we have obligations, and we must work to eat.

But I have since made it a point when going into any potential employment contract or job opportunity, to explicitly ask for Saturday off. This is a must.

Because it’s important to me. I want that time on Sabbath to spend with God.

What makes it special?

It’s special because it comes down to our personal one on one relationship with God. We often forget to add that crucial variable into the equation.

when we learn something new about God, okay so now we know it, but that doesn’t make it special nor meaningful.

its all about the climb- with God, that makes it so. It’s when we receive that BLESSED INSTRUCTION DIRECTLY FROM HIS HAND, FROM HIS MOUTH,

That changes everything.

And one can only arrive there, not by overnight delivery express, nope.

One step at a time. Gradually. It must be gradual, not because of God, because of us.

Is the day so critically important? Must it be Sabbath / Saturday?

I always felt, it was more about ensuring we are setting A DAY ASIDE for God.

Because He is indeed SPECIAL.

It’s a way of demonstrating our commitment, adoration, and love ..

That we value HIM. HIS TIME.

However, it’s never about WHAT I FEEL IS RIGHT OR WRONG. OR WHAT I THINK.

Here are the messages that God continually emphasized and pointed out to me.

They are clear as day.

I pray that many who read this, who are not currently observing and setting a day aside THE SABBATH FOR GOD, will by HIS POWER, GRACE, AND CONVICTION, BEGIN TO DO SO as God directs each of YOU.

I KNOW this change will bring about great blessings in YOUR LIFE, IN YOUR SPIRIT, IN YOUR KNOWLEDGE, and in YOUR HEALTH.

In Jesus name we pray, amen.

Onto the scriptures:

Published by Benmadley777

My aim is to help others make sense of their own lives, by sharing the failures and misfortunes of mine. Misfortune and failure lead a man to the unmistakable clarity of his deception- That there is no need, nor room for God, because he himself is self sufficient, well educated, rich and capable. The more the man stays his ground, holding fast to his position- the more suffering he shall bring into his life. Suffering is the ground upon which elimination of the false occurs and perception of the Truth begins. After enough time is spent courting Misery, Pain, Humiliation, Slavery, Emptiness, one seeks to stop the bleeding. Some men prefer to bleed their way to death rather than admit their ignorance; that their way will never work. While other men, surrender, which is the beginning of knowledge. By surrendering the man does not fall, he rises and steps foot upon the path of Eternal Wisdom and Truth. It is the path that leads to Eternal Life- the pursuit of knowledge, is the pursuit of Almighty God- Man's Creator. *If you have questions, concerns, need direction, prayer, you may email me.* I do not charge for what Almighty God has given me freely. Bhines7165@gmail.com

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